Brand Centre
Have a question about the Brand Centre or are you looking for something you can’t find here? Please contact ACTRA National at and we will be happy to assist. For individual branch logos, please reach out to the branch in question. Our branch listing can be found here.
ACTRA Primary Logos

ACTRA White Logo: .eps file (Adobe applications)
ACTRA White Logo: .png file
ACTRA White Logo: .pdf file

ACTRA Black Logo: .eps file (Adobe applications)
ACTRA Black Logo: .png file
ACTRA Black Logo: .pdf file
Text, links and social media
When using our organization’s name in written materials, it should be in all caps as follows: ACTRA
When listing a specific branch/division, the branch is in standard text format – i.e.: ACTRA National; ACTRA Alberta
When listing ACTRA National’s website, please use: or
When listing our ACTRA National Social Media channels, please list and link to the following:
Facebook: @ACTRANational
Instagram: @ACTRANational
X (formerly Twitter): @ACTRAnational