Gantry 5 Framework is the powerhouse behind the Akuatik theme

Today marks the first day of Asian Heritage Month in Canada. Officially recognized by the federal government in May 2002, Asian Heritage Month has been celebrated across the country since the 1990s. I encourage everyone to recognize the many contributions Canadians of Asian heritage have made and continue to make to the cultural, social and economic landscape of our country.

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“ACTRA and the Association of Canadian Advertisers met this week to negotiate a renewal of the National Commercial Agreement. Bargaining will continue next week.”

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As we pass the one-year mark of being unfairly and illegally locked out by advertising agencies, we want to send solidarity to our siblings in the Writers Guild of America as they are engaged in bargaining with a strike deadline of May 2nd.

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We are concerned that misinformation being shared on social media could interfere with our ability to negotiate an end to the lockout and caution members to only rely on information that comes directly from ACTRA. As noted on Wednesday April 26, ACTRA will resume in-person negotiations with the ACA…

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