A: The Lock-out of ACTRA Performers continues. ACTRA continues to fight to end the lock-out, including at the Ontario Labour Relations Board. ACTRA remains committed to returning to the bargaining table at any time.
A: On May 17, 2022, ACTRA filed an Unfair Labour Practice Complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) as a result of the bad faith bargaining of the ICA and its advertising agencies and have been involved in this lengthy process ever since. We thank the members who have been called to testify at the hearings or showing up as observers to lend their support to the cause. Additional hearing dates are scheduled up until December this year. Learn more about the OLRB hearings and the events leading up to the legal battle on our NCA page (https://www.actra.ca/nca/)
A: Over $23 million in the calendar year 2023.