The Digital Media Universe in Canada: Measuring the Revenues, the Audiences, and the Future Prospects (January 2020)
Building on the data of the 2019 report, this year's report also all about streaming – how it is globalized and networked and is a clear disruptor in terms of support for Cancon; Canadian creators’ livelihoods; and, democracy and society.
The Digital Media Universe in Canada: Measuring the Revenues, the Audiences, and the Future Prospect (January 2019)
A refreshed update to the last year’s report, the 2019 report examines the data of the past year to identify the challenges and opportunities resulting from changing markets and industry dynamics as well as the consideration of new policy developments. This report also evaluates to what degree various trends have continued or changed course and what new factors have become more apparent over the past year.
The Digital Media Universe in Canada: Measuring the Revenues, the Audiences, and the Future Prospects (January 2018)
A refreshed update to the January 2016 report below, this DM@X Digital Media at the Crossroads report identifies the challenges and opportunities to Canadian creative industries presented by changing market structures and industry dynamics as well as offers new perspectives for consideration in policy development in stimulating Canadian content.
Canadian Media in a Digital Universe (January 2016)
This DM@X Digital Media at the Crossroads report identifies the challenges and opportunities presented by changing market structures and industry dynamics to Canada’s creative industry – specifically the increasing outflow of revenue and profits to foreign companies.