NCA – #ACTRATakesAction
ACTRA is calling out the actions of bad advertising agencies and brands that are threatening the ability of performers who work in commercials to make a living and build a career in Canada.
Share a post on Instagram or use the simple tool below to share a tweet OR send an E-mail asking the advertising agencies that have locked ACTRA members out to get back to the bargaining table.
Call out the actions of advertising agencies that are lowering wages, and attacking the benefits and retirement contributions of ACTRA performers who work in commercials.
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What else can you do?
Be our eyes and ears. If you know of a non-union commercial shoot or breakdown, please contact your ACTRA Branch.
Don’t work non-union. Joining the ICA in making low-paid, no-benefits commercials helps it bust our union. If you’re unsure which agencies with with the ICA, contact your ACTRA Branch.
Support commercial performers. Even if you don’t make commercials, support performers who do—because union-busting spreads.
Bookmark ACTRA continues to turn up the pressure on union-busting advertisers. All members are encouraged to take part in this fight: Sign our boycott here.
Share on social. Follow @actranational on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and share our posts.